Writing In 2020 — All The Way To The Nuthouse

Writing In 2020 — All The Way To The Nuthouse

Happy New Year!

If you’re here on the east coast of these United States, this bloggy is posting smack dab at midnight of a new decade. There’s a 90 percent chance I’m sleeping through the festivities. Things have changed quite a bit in the past 20 years. Back in the day, I would stay up ALL blessed night with my best besties. Now? I desperately need all the sleep I can get because at any minute, my babiest of babies could wake for a nighttime feeding. He doesn’t know it’s New Years! He just wants his milk!

While I snooze, here is a brief layout of a sampling of my thoughts on this past year (writing-wise) and the one to come.

2019: Peace Out

I’m a guy who tries to be honest with himself and his bloggy. In 2019, I told myself I was going to publish a novel and in May, I did just that. I Am Marcus Fox, in case you haven’t heard, is my debut novel for adult readers. It is also Book One in a series I have deemed the Lost Identity series.

I’ve made a lot of other writing promises to myself this past year, and for the most part, I’ve stuck to them.

I began Book Two of the aforementioned series and plowed forward with 50,000 words in November, along with all the other crazy authors who took the NaNoWriMo challenge. That first draft is now nearly complete and requires much attention.

This year, I started a newsletter that gets emailed once a month. If you’re interested in the ins and outs of my writing process, you can sign up for it here. I tend to give away lots of fun, free extras. So that is neat.

In 2019, I also laid down the self-proclaimed Shakespeare Challenge. I’ve decided (for some masochistic reason) to read one of The Bard’s plays each month. Not only that, but I bloggy my experience with these plays and do my best to analyze them. It’s mostly amateur drivel, but it makes me happy. And it’s going to be going on all the way until May of 2022, unless I decide to quit (which I still might) or somebody murders me (which is always a possibility).

2020: Peace In

In 2020, I reserve the right to give up reading Shakespeare’s works if and only if I can’t hack it anymore. I also resolve to do my best not to be murdered. Wow, I thought I might have a stronger argument there. Nope! Totally weak! But I think it’s safe to say that I at least want to keep the Challenge going for as long as it makes sense.

I promise (to myself) that in 2020, I will publish Book Two of the Lost Identity series and be well on the way to finishing Book 3. How do you like them apples, me?!

I will also publish at least one, but possibly two young adult novels. This will most likely be under a pseudonym that I will reveal at some later date in the upcoming year.

My long-term goal is to get on track to eventually publish at least three books every year. Can it actually be done? Others do it all the time. So I don’t see why not. All I have to do is use the power of positive thinking and let my fingers do the typing. Everything else should just fall into place naturally.

Lofty goals, I’ve got a few.

Believe in yourself Chuck-o, and maybe, just maybe someday, you can do half of what you set out to do.

Only half?! And why Chuck-o?

Dunno, bro. I just work here.

Well, God keep us all safe and warm in 2020. Party on, pineapples!

I Mean

I Mean

The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth — Acts IV, V, Reveal

The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth — Acts IV, V, Reveal